What to Look For in a Sober Living? RED FLAGS (Part 2)

What to Look For in a Sober Living? RED FLAGS (Part 2)

If you’re in treatment for a substance use disorder or coming out of a detox or attending IOP or 12-step meetings, sober living may be the right option for you. Coming home to peers who are making progress on challenges similar to yours is so helpful in recovery.

However, this is a double-edged sword. Living with other people in the best of times can be a challenge and without parameters it can be easy to overstep bounds. For someone who has experienced the limits of their addictions, it’s easy to fall back into old habits and thinking. With proper rules (and their enforcement), you are held accountable and different personalities can mesh and create a harmonious home.


This brings us to Sober Living RED FLAG #2:

Weak, non-existing, or unenforced rules.


Sober Living Rules


For this reason, perhaps THE the most important thing to look for in a sober living is their house rules and how they enforce them. That’s right, it’s a twofer. Enforcement without rules is just about as useless as rules without enforcement. Proper and reasonable rules and their enforcement make everything run smooth. Your recovery may depend on it.

If you’re asking yourself, “What should I ask when I speak to a sober living?” Try asking them for a copy of their house rules. A quality sober living will be able to readily tell you their rules. A solid sober house will provide you with a copy to review before you make any commitments. If the house you’re calling can’t or won’t do either…run, baby, run!

As with RED FLAG #1, random drug and alcohol screens, accountability sets us up for success and consistency alleviates the anxiety associated with an uncertain environment.

La Peer House’s goal is to be the best sober living in Los Angeles. That starts with maintaining and enforcing reasonable rules. Want to know what they are? We’re glad you asked. Our sober living rules are posted here. If you want a hard copy or have any other questions give us a call.

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