La Peer House is a sober living for men in Los Angeles, California. We are dedicated to acting as a solid “next stage” to your long-term recovery.


We are dedicated to helping you navigate recovery journey as you take on more responsibilities and activities in the “real world.”

La Peer House Sober Living Rules and Regulations

  1. Zero Tolerance for drug/alcohol use on- OR off-premises. No engagement in illegal substances will be tolerated whatsoever. This includes but is not limited to the manufacture, possession and/or distribution of illegal or mind- or mood-altering substances.
  2. Zero Tolerance for stealing. Taking food from others without permission is considered stealing. We encourage community cooking, meal planning and sharing dinner together to assist in developing a family like structure.
  3. Zero Tolerance for destruction of Fairfax Recovery, La Peer House, or other guests’ property.
  4. Zero Tolerance for sexual activity between anyone at any time inside La Peer House.
  5. Zero Tolerance for physical/verbal confrontation with any staff or guest.
  6. Contraband items include, but are not limited to: drugs, drug paraphernalia, alcohol, weapons of any kind, pornographic material, sexually explicit or drug-related material, any material that is rude or offensive and food items containing poppy seeds.
  7. Any guest who is on prescribed medications must immediately inform house lead, and all medications must be approved. All medications must be taken as prescribed.
  8. There is absolutely no loitering outside the boundaries of the property.
  9. Guests must obtain and maintain a sponsor while living at La Peer House.
  10. Any visitor to La Peer House property will be asked to leave if staff or guests suspect any use of illegal or illicit drugs, including alcohol.
  11. Guest’s rooms must be clean at all times. (Guest’s beds are to be made when the guest is not in the bed.)
  12. Guests must attend a mandatory house meeting every Sunday unless prior arrangements have been made. (Please consult house bulletin board for exact time.)
  13. Guests must be willing to submit to a drug/alcohol screen upon request of house lead or directors.
  14. Guests must sleep at the house each night unless prior arrangements have been made with staff.
  15. Guests are not permitted to have overnight visitors. All visitors to the property must be approved by staff and must be off the property by 10:00pm
  16. Guests must participate in ongoing mandatory house chores including a weekly “double-scrub.”
  17. Guests must be engaged in an active and verifiable commitment outside the house for a minimum of twenty (20) hours a week within the first thirty (30) days of being a guest at La Peer House. This commitment can be comprised of employment, school, volunteering, or any combination thereof.
  18. Guests having unusual job requirements and/or hours must obtain Fairfax Recovery staff approval.
  19. No smoking or tobacco use anywhere inside the house. (Vaping is allowed but please exercise consideration vis a vis your housemates.)
  20. Quiet hours are strictly enforced Sunday-Thursday 11:00pm-7:00am and Friday-Saturday 12:00am-8:00am. Smoking during these hours is restricted to the front patio and front yard.
  21. Curfew is enforced Sunday-Thursday at 11:00pm and 1:00am Friday-Saturday.




I’ve moved on to my own place with roommates but I still keep in touch with a bunch of the guys I met at La Peer House. We go to meetings together, hang out, and everything. I don’t know where I’d be without them.

-Stefan B.